My version of the original mentor text
I am from broken wood,
from stain and oxidation.
I am from the bleachers.
(metallic, obstructing
it tasted like sweat
I am from the blue hydrangeas,
The beach grass
Whose scratchy arms I remember
as if they were my own.

I am from a beautiful mother who had six children and still managed to love all of us with her whole heart. Even though my single mom was financially destroyed by my dad during the divorce, she made cheap pasta nights, and walking because we had no car an adventure. As God would continue to provide for us, we maintained joy. The place I called home would have been a nightmare to most of the privledge community at TCU, but for me, it was finally a place where I belonged and didn't have to say an overwhelming amount of thank you's for someone else's hospitality. Being from empty parental promises and no money means I came from a place of hope and love, a place that focused on the things we did have in the world, instead of the things we wished for.

Where I Am...
This randomly came up in my Instagram feed as I'm currently struggling with my family's move to Nashville from Massachusetts. I'm walking a very fine line between supporting my mo during this difficult time of assimilation and wanted to feel broken and angry that my upbringing is now so out of reach. (WOAH! SYNCHRONICITY!)

I'm in a place where my depression sucks, I don't really have a place that feels like home, and I'm lonely. Pretty brutal. At least it sounds pretty brutal when you say it like that. The reality of the matter is that I have Jesus, and no matter where I am at, he meets me. The only important component of my current whereabouts (emotional or physical) is where I'm at in my walk with the Lord. So here: I went from being in the world every day and gaining so much spiritual nourishment from that, to having to force myself to find time and chat with Jesus. Its unfortunate, but I also think its just part of being a christian in this very broken world. Some days, its easy to marvel and be full of appreciation for all that God has done in my life, and others, the world seems messed up and I want to know why things happen the way they do. With all this, the moral is Jesus being my best friend is where I'm at, and thats really the only think I'm confident in knowing at this time in my life.
Three years into college and the hope is slowly melting away. It sounds absurd, but I had to idealistic plan where everything in my life was going to happen a certain way and I was going to chase my dreams, find my people and be the most fulfilled I've ever been. So... if none of this has really happened yet... how am I supposed to know where I am going?